Thursday, October 14, 2004


Ah, Kerry. Why do you have to sound like a broken record?
What you said:
I will hunt down and kill terrorists
Bush let Osama go
Now there are even Arabs crossing our borders!

What I wish you had said:
There can be no war on terror
The president hates the constitution
This is all about getting richer


Blogger erin said...

What else the Kerry-Edwards campaign is saying (and they're the better choice of the two main candidate teams):
"First, the Israeli people not only have the right to defend themselves, they should defend themselves. They have an obligation to defend themselves.
What are the Israeli people supposed to do? How can they continue to watch Israeli children killed by suicide bombers, killed by terrorists?"
(Edwards at VP Debate)

With no mention of the Palestinians also being killed, also by (Israeli) terrorists. Why is it that when Israelis kill, it's called "defense" but when Palestinians kill, it's called "terrorism"? I wish for neither to kill anyone, but I also wish that the situation would at least be fairly represented, both by our media and our leaders. Take, for example, an AP article I read last week about incidents that had happened in Israel/Palestine. The concluding paragraph recounted deaths. It said (and I may not have the figures correct, but the wording is what I'd like to point out) that, "17 Palestinian minors" had been killed, and "2 Israeli preschoolers" had been killed. Now which side seems the more heinous of the two? Oh, the Palestinians, right, because they killed preschoolers. No matter that 12 of the Palestinian "minors" could have been preschoolers. "Minors" just doesn't have the humanness that "preschoolers" does. It's so aggravating.

October 22, 2004 at 4:23 PM  
Blogger cultcrit said...

Yes, it reminds me of when the press was talking about settlements as "Israeli neighborhoods." There was also a study a while back that found that US papers tended to report actions of the Israeli army in passive voice (things were done), while actions of the Palestinian resistance were usually attributed to some entity like "extremists."

October 27, 2004 at 9:35 AM  

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